6 Things AI (Artificial Intelligence) Cannot Do

Artificial intelligence can perform amazing feats. It has the ability to create breathtaking original content such as poetry, prose, images, music, and human faces. Some medical conditions can be diagnosed more accurately by it than by a human physician. Nonetheless, today’s artificial intelligence has fundamental limitations. AI has a long way to go in comparison to what we would expect from a truly intelligent agent—in comparison to human cognition, the original inspiration and benchmark for artificial intelligence. Here are six things that an artificial intelligence cannot do.

1. Creativity

AI is incapable of creating, conceptualising, or strategizing. While AI is excellent at optimising for a specific goal, it is incapable of setting its own goals or thinking creatively. AI cannot think across domains or use common sense.

2. Empathy

AI is incapable of feeling or interacting with emotions such as empathy and compassion. As a result, AI cannot make someone else feel understood and cared for. Even if AI advances in this area, it will be extremely difficult to bring the technology to the point where humans feel comfortable interacting with robots in situations requiring care and empathy.

3. Dexterity

AI is incapable of performing complex physical tasks that require dexterity or precise hand-eye coordination. AI is incapable of dealing with unknown and unstructured spaces, particularly those that have not been observed.

4. Write software

Despite its advances, AI lacks the human faculty of understanding, making it incapable of writing software. Software writing is a process that necessitates a thorough understanding of the real world as well as the ability to translate those complexities into rules. Bug detection is critical to delivering useful software. While AI can detect patterns that may indicate a bug, it cannot find bugs.

5. Exercise Free Will

AI can make decisions based on programme rules. These rules are deterministic, which means that the outcome is determined by the initial inputs. With free will, every decision is supported by an infinite number of possible outcomes. There are only two states in computing: do or do not. In order for AI to have free will, infinite states must be present, which has not yet been achieved. AI cannot question their existence in the same way that humans do, nor can AI explain their decisions in the same way that humans do. These philosophical and free will questions are beyond the scope of AI.

6. Bring Inventions

AI can follow rules, but it cannot create from scratch in the same way that humans can. Humans can create scientific instruments, songs, and mathematical theorems. Unlike any AI-generated product, these innovations are genuine. AI learns from past observations to create a general model or pattern that can be used to predict future similar occurrences. AI cannot think outside the box in the same way that humans do.

Please also check out: 6 Things AI (Artificial Intelligence) Can Do

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